If I didn't come to Donna for chiropractic every month, I would not be working at my hairdressing job at all. She has helped me to grow older without pain and I can work 8-10 hours a day and enjoy my work and my customers. With my back the way it is, I would not be doing my work for this long. I have been a hairdresser for nearly 48 years! I also work outside cutting grass and digging in the flower beds. If I didn't come every month to Donna , I wouldn't be able to work. When you come to a chiropractor, you must come regularly. It is like changing the oil in your car - keep it up and you feel and work well!
Marie VanDamme
I have been very pleased with Dr. Sykes' treatment for my lower back and shoulder problems I have had in the past. I find regular adjustments keep me well. I recommend her to anyone in need of treatment.
M. Corriveau.
Chiropractic has given me relief of pain and has allowed me to get a better night's sleep. It has helped minimize the number of headaches I get. I would recommend anyone to start receiving chiropractic treatments. It's a better option over medication or worse - surgery. I only wish I had started in the earlier stages of my problems!
Bonnie Long
I've benefited from chiropractic care most of my life. Since being a patient of Dr. Sykes, I've managed to maintain a consistent pain/flexibility threshold. If I slip and fail to maintain a timely adjustment, Dr. Sykes works hard to bring me back to proper levels.
Dr. Sykes has helped me with neck tension and to relieve the stress of life. She helped with my flat feet by fitting me with orthotics. I stand a lot at my job and the orthotics have helped a great deal. Overall, chiropractic has helped me maintain good health, and Dr. Sykes has provided great tips to better myself, eg., eating and exercising.
Annette Pye
Dr. Sykes is the most thorough chiropractor I've ever been to. She takes the time to listen. She has helped me and my family over the years with many health issues, i.e., knee problems and back issues. How Donna lives her life is proof that she is concerned in health and wellness for her patients.